We are a group of patriots from across the great nation of the United States of America. We’ve come together to boldly speak truth into the chaotic world we live in. Our goal is to be an unstoppable force for change in hopes of saving our country from being destroyed by the Marxist agenda. Today’s political climate has prompted a growing need for more and more people to achieve enlightenment with truth of what’s dismantling our society. We address many controversial and political issues that most organizations are afraid to touch. We’re passionate about protecting future generations of children from all forms of tyranny and abuse. We got our start in pro-family activism protecting children from LGBT indoctrination and exploitation that has injected itself into every sector of society. Since our inception, we’ve become more dedicated to advancing the freedoms bestowed upon us by our United States Constitution. We’ll continue to stand up against the corruption, unafraid and unwavering. We pose a question to you in hopes of creating a call-to-action: what are YOU going to do about it?
Mission Statement:
To bring a massive awakening to our nation and culture by speaking truth into the chaos, one individual at a time. “My people perish from a lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6